Does the word "mission" sound too serious?

by John Hawley June 16, 2016

Q: Gee Kiltman, I'm really interested in what drives you, what motivates you. As a brand-avatar, maybe you could say what you're all about, what your over-arching focus is? Your mission, if you will, and in bullet points too, if you could conveniently convey it that way. 

A: Sure, I actually do have four points that are my main focus in life, as the disembodied voice of Kiltman Kilts.

Forgive me if they sound too rehearsed. I am, however, comfortable proclaiming things, so I'll elaborate on these few areas of continual focus, what keeps me going, designing kilts and pockets, hustling them at Celtic festivals, writing blog posts, being the orange part of the logo. 

My first node of endeavor is to make the finest modern kilts, and to be the best value of any kilt you can buy. Solid craftsmanship, and innovation, at the right price. 

The second meaning of my existence as a brand-avatar is to explain the comfort and anatomical advantages of a kilt. It really can't be stressed enough. Kilts make more sense for how men's bodies are built. It's as simple as that. And not only that, but how the most sensitive parts, the most valuable parts of your body are laid out. It's said now and again in popular culture, but I'll continue to harp on it, because I'm Kiltman, and it's true, and it's important. So expect me to continue doing that.

The third part of my mission is that I promote the ethic of masculinity. That's how I see all the pictures of cool-looking model guys in kilts, and the taglines pulled from my subconscious. It's a heightened image of the reality, which is that my kilts are a shortcut to the heights of masculinity. You don't have to be a kiltman to be a man, but the Pubkilt and Streetkilt are the ethic of masculinity in textile form.     

Finally, and this one's a little more far-seeing: I want to develop the clothes of the future in the form of pockets that free people up for a hands-free lifestyle, pockets that integrate naturally and that improve people's functioning in daily life.
Now, the six pockets I already have out definitely do that, but my point is that I am going to continue making strides in pocket design, and continue to develop pockets that people didn't even know they needed, though they turn out to be eminently useful and effortlessly utilized.  

John Hawley
John Hawley


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