Kiltman News & Updates

Does the Irish-style Tweedkilt go well with Irish whiskey, or does Irish whiskey go well with the Irish-style Tweedkilt?
A perfect pair
More than the best gimmicks
I’ve heard people say I’m gimmicky, that I’m all gimmick, flash, tone. And it’s true, there is an element of that. But only because the kilts are already there, waiting to be discovered, worn, only because we invented the pockets and want to progress pockets, we want you to utilize them, adapt them, fill them.
More than just a beautiful kilt
Don’t box me in. I’m Kiltman, I make and sell kilts and pockets, it's true; but I’m also a man, with other interests. All sorts of things captivate me day by day.
It's the Pubkilt talking
I am Kiltman, hear me roar. Or burp. One of those two things, a burp-hiccup, loudly setting my glass down on the table, or roaring at the band. . .
Kiltman Bulletin
I’m not here to convince you to wear a kilt. If you don’t know why you’d want to wear our kilt, or where you’d go in it, or what women find so alluring about a Kiltman, there’s no rhetorical or advertisy thing I can say. . .