Kiltman News & Updates
Does the word "mission" sound too serious?
Q: Gee Kiltman, I'm really interested in what drives you, what motivates you. As a brand-avatar, maybe you could say what you're all about, what your over-arching focus is? Your mission, if you will, and in very clear, precise language too if you could.
A: Sure, I actually do have four points that are my main focus in life, as the disembodied voice of Kiltman Kilts. . .
A simple question
[Kiltman logo]
-Maker of Kilts and Pockets-
-Idea for a t-shirt
I can't believe the SATs dropped these
Verbal-sartorial reasoning
Pubkilt : shorts :: beer : soda
Kiltman kilts : legs :: wings : bird
A lot of discussion actually preceded this
[Kiltman logo]
"One of a kind animal"
-Idea for a t-shirt
More information about Kiltman
Maybe you’ve heard Kiltman doesn’t just make kilts and pockets. Kiltman also releases bulletins, which is what he calls blog posts, but that sounds more interesting than blog posts.
What happened was the internet came to Kiltman and said, “Kiltman, tell me more. Write short, elliptical bulletins that people can half pay attention to while they’re surfing the internet and/or trying to make a thoughtful buying decision about utility kilts. And dispatches too from Kiltmanland. We hereby demand your content marketing Kiltman.”